Sunday, August 5, 2012

Well thank you Cari,Now to figure it all out,been disconnected from you 5 min. already forgot where to find the star.....Today is Sunday,AUG.5...It is cloudy and gloomy outside..Today at church our sermon was on GRACE....JOHN AND I was talking and if our world could really be as he preached we would have a awsome world to live in.Itry each day to live as i know our God wants me to...its so hard...I pray daily to be a better person....LATER, DARLENE

Thursday, August 2, 2012

She's pretty AWESOME!!

You see this girl right here.................

She is pretty awesome!

Excuse the picture!  She just got done running the HAPPIEST 5K on the PLANET!!! THE COLOR RUN!

oh...and she helped me make this blog! :)